Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Hacker History II: The BBS Years

Post-C64 Hacking (in Part 1 of Hacker History)... now on to Part 2: The BBS Years

Late 1986 (a few months before I started my first non-newspaper delivery and non-family-business job – working at a local supermarket) I launched my first bulletin board system (BBS). I can’t remember the software that I was running at the time, but it had a single 14k dial-up facility running on all the extra C64 equipment I’d been “gifted” by friends wanting faster/always access too my latest cheats and hacks.

The premise behind the BBS was two-fold: I wanted to learn something new (and hacking together a workable and reliable BBS system in the mid-80’s was a difficult enough challenge), and I saw it as a saving time distribution channel for my cheats/hacks; others could dial-in and download themselves, instead of me messing around with stacks of floppy discs etc.

At some point in 1986 I’d also saved enough money to by an IBM PC AT clone – a whopping 12Mhz 80286 PC, complete with Turbo button and a 10Mb hard drive. I remember specking out the PC with the manufacturer. They were stunned that a kid could afford their own PC AT and that he planned to keep it in his bedroom, and that he wanted an astounding 16k of video memory (“what do you need that for? Advanced ACAD?”)!

By 1989 the BBS had grown fairly large with a couple hundred regular members with several paying monthly subscription fees, but the stack of C64’s powering the BBS were showing their age and, in the meantime my main computing had moved down the PC path from 286, to 386, and to a brand-spanking new 486.

It was time to move on from C64 and go full-PC – both with the BBS and the hacks/cheats I was writing.

So in 1990, over the Summer/Christmas break from University I set about shifting the BBS over to a (single) PC – running Remote Access, with multiple dial-in lines (14.4k for regular users and 28.8k for subscribers).

The dropping of C64 and move to fully-fledged x86 PC resulted in a few memorable times for me:
  • BBS’s are like pets. Owning and operating a BBS is a lot like looking after an oversized pet that eats everything in its path and has destructive leanings; they’re expensive and something is always going wrong. From the mid-80’s to mid-90’s (pre-“Internet”) having a BBS go down would be maddening to all subscribers. Those subscribers would be great friends when things were running, or act like ungrateful modern-day teenagers being denied “screen-time” if they couldn’t dial-in for more than a couple of days. Keeping a BBS running meant constant tinkering under the covers – learning the intricacies of PC hardware architecture, x86 assembly, live patching, memory management, downtime management, backup/recovery, and “customer management”. The heady “good-old days” of PC development.
  • International Connectivity. With me in University and too-often referred to as the “student that knows more about computers than the campus IT team”, in 1991 I added Fidonet and Usenet support to my BBS. There had been a few BBS’s in New Zealand before mine to offer these newsgroups, but they were very limited (i.e. a small number of groups) because they were reliant upon  US dial-up for synching (which was damned expensive!). My solution was to use a spare modem in the pack of a University lab PC to connect semi-permanently to my BBS. From there my BBS used the Universities “Internet” undersea cable connectivity to download and synch all the newsgroups. Technically I guess you could call it my first “backdoor” hacking experience – which ended circa 1993 after being told to stop as (by some accounts) the BBS was peak consuming 1/3 of the entire countries academic bandwidth.
  • First Security Disclosure. Setting up Remote Access (RA) was an ordeal. It was only a week later – Christmas Eve 1990 – that I publicly disclosed my first security vulnerability (with a self-developed patch); an authentication bypass to the system that controlled what games or zones a subscriber could access. I can’t remember how many bugs and vulnerabilities I found in RA, QEMM, MS-DOS, modem drivers, memory managers, and the games that ran on RA over those years. Most required some kind of assembly instruction patch to fix.
  • Mailman and Sysop. Ever since those first BBS days in 1986, I’d felt that email (or Email, or E-Mail) would be the future for communications. The tools and skills needing for managing a reliable person-to-person or person-to-group communication system had to be built and learned – as too did the management of trust and the application of security. Some BBS operators loved being Sysops (System Operators – i.e. Admins) because they could indulge their voyeurism tendencies. I hated BBS’s and Sysops that operated that way and it became an early mission of mine to figure out ways of better protecting subscriber messages.

That fumbling about and experimenting with PC hardware, MS-DOS, and Windows at home and with the Bulletin Board System, coupled with learning new systems at University such as DEC Alpha, OpenVMS, Cray OS, and HP-UX in the course of my studies, and the things I had to piece-together and program at my parents factories (e.g. PLC’s,  ICS’s, RTU’s, etc.) all combined to add to a unique perspective on operating systems and hardware hacking.

By the time I’d finished and submitted my post-grad research thesis, it was time to tear down the BBS, sell all my computers and peripherals, and leave New Zealand for my Great OE (Overseas Experience) at the end of 1994.

This is PART TWO of THREE.

PART ONE (C64 Hacking) was posted yesterday and PART THREE (Radar Hacking) will be on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gunter,

    I really love your stories. I was not into deep programming at that time but i can remember my struggles to use my parents telephone line to dial-in into BBS's. It was a daily war to get that line available. I eventually moved my connection time to the night time when nobody was using it. Spending hours and hours to download midi files and creative photo's :-)

    I have also fond memories of copying games on floppy's and subsequently infecting my friends computers with unwanted virii. Learning the ropes of fixing OS's, pulling computers apart, trading pirate software. Yes, those were the days.
