It's a pretty common question asked by both bug hunters and journalists alike - "How much is a zero-day vulnerability worth?"
There's no simple answer as I discuss the topic in my first blog posting with IOActive. You can find the discussion "Exploits, Curdled Milk and Nukes (Oh my!)" on the IOActive Labs Blog site.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Now at IOActive
For those that haven't seen the exchanges on Twitter or LinkedIn, I'm no longer with Damballa...
The last 3.5 years with Damballa were a wild ride. My first 3 years with the company saw much innovation and cutting-edge technology making its way to the market, but as things slowed down and the business doubled down on the features that make a product more "channel friendly", it was becoming less interesting to me. Don't get me wrong though, the research coming from Damballa Labs still can't be beat, and I hope it makes it the product sometime soon.
So, with that all said, I wanted to get back in to consulting. I love the constant flux of new problems, logistics and cutting-edge technology.
Last week I joined IOActive, Inc., as their CTO.
As some of you may be aware, I've been working with the company for a number of years - including being a member of their Advisory Board. As their CTO my initial focus will be on helping to develop the long-term service strategy - bringing new boutique and cutting-edge services to market to address the latest onslaught of technology threats and preempt many upcoming security problems for large and sophisticated organizations.
IOActive is a fantastic company. It's at the forefront of advanced security consultancy and has been growing at an amazing rate.
So, with all that said, you can now find me at IOActive, and I'd be pleased to offer you my new business card. I'm sure IOActive will be able to help! :-)
The last 3.5 years with Damballa were a wild ride. My first 3 years with the company saw much innovation and cutting-edge technology making its way to the market, but as things slowed down and the business doubled down on the features that make a product more "channel friendly", it was becoming less interesting to me. Don't get me wrong though, the research coming from Damballa Labs still can't be beat, and I hope it makes it the product sometime soon.
So, with that all said, I wanted to get back in to consulting. I love the constant flux of new problems, logistics and cutting-edge technology.
Last week I joined IOActive, Inc., as their CTO.
As some of you may be aware, I've been working with the company for a number of years - including being a member of their Advisory Board. As their CTO my initial focus will be on helping to develop the long-term service strategy - bringing new boutique and cutting-edge services to market to address the latest onslaught of technology threats and preempt many upcoming security problems for large and sophisticated organizations.
IOActive is a fantastic company. It's at the forefront of advanced security consultancy and has been growing at an amazing rate.
So, with all that said, you can now find me at IOActive, and I'd be pleased to offer you my new business card. I'm sure IOActive will be able to help! :-)